House of Culture
Next Meeting: COMING SOON
House of Culture is a safe space for the UMD community to share their original art, which is inclusive to different art mediums unlike traditional art exhibits that are exclusive to just paintings & sculptures. These art mediums include (but are not limited to): digital art, paintings, poetry, graphic design, architectural drawings, fashion design, inventions, and original music.
Additional Details
Students will be able to submit their artworks through this website in which they will have the option to include a short description of their work and a link to their social media or music platform page (for music album covers). There are certain rules and filters for submitting artworks, the main ones being no profanity or explicit content.
The artworks will be printed and showcased physically through a board which will also include a QR code for students to access the expanded artworks virtually and have the option to upload their own original artwork. All submitted artworks will go on the physical art board unless there are too many submissions to fit them all on the board, in which case only a select amount will appear on physical display. In this scenario, the student will be able to choose within the submission website if they’d want their artwork to be displayed exclusively virtually or if they’d rather wait for the next exhibit to display their work physically as well.
There will be new artwork on display every club meeting but students will still be able to access previous exhibits through the website. During club meetings, students will be able to view the mini exhibit on the board and get a chance to talk about their work if they have anything up there. Additionally, students will take part in fun activities where they get to win free shirts and socialize. After the meeting, the board will be put on display around campus until the next meeting.
Everyone is welcome, you don’t need to have submitted artwork to attend!
Share your original work with the UMD community.
University of Maryland